
New Glasses

Cartoon by Jon Carter

Fahrenheit 45

Dr. Sidney Schwab is a retired surgeon who blogs at Surgeonsblog.

He is the author of “Cutting Remarks: Insights and Recollections of a Surgeon.”

94 = A

Bill Griffin MD is a family physician (retired) in rural North Carolina.

His poems have appeared in JAMA, NC Literary Review, Southern Poetry Review and elsewhere.

Evaluate, Don’t Judge

Dr. Joan Naidorf is an emergency physician, author and speaker located in Alexandria, VA.

Her book, “Changing How we Think About Difficult Patients: a Guide for Physicians and Healthcare Professionals,” is published by the American Association for Physician Leadership.

The True Art of Medicine

Susan Baumgaertel MD practices Internal Medicine “virtually’ from Seattle, WA.

She is the founder of and the informational website,


by Nancy Naomi Carlson.

Ms. Carlson is a clinical mental health counselor educator and twice an NEA translation grantee.

She also won the 2022 Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize.

An Infusion of Violets (Seagull, 2019), her recent collection of non-translated poetry, was called “new & noteworthy” by The New York Times.