Medmic: by professional poets

Portrait of My Father’s Glaucoma

Annette Sisson’s poems are published in Valparaiso PR, Birmingham PR, Rust+Moth, Lascaux Review, Cider PR, Glassworks, Aeolian Harp Anthology, and others. Her first book Small Fish in High Branches was published by Glass Lyre (5/22), and she is finishing her second, Winter Sharp with Apples. Her poems have placed in Frontier New Voices, The Fish Anthology, and others; in 2023, two have been nominated for The Pushcart and one for Best of the Net. This poem first appeared in The Shore.

Keeping Up

Brittany van der Merwe is an emerging Canadian poet and aspiring author from British Columbia’s interior. She has been featured in Cathexis Northwest Press, at The Write Launch, and more.

Lab Results

Gayathri Krishnamoorthy is a former University teacher, budding creative writer and social activist striving for real empowerment of women and the Nation through her writings.

Sleep Apnea

Denton Loving’s most recent collection of poetry, Tamp (Mercer University Press) was named by Book Riot as one of the 10 Best Appalachian Books of 2023. He is a co-founder and editor at EastOver Press and its literary journal Cutleaf. His writing has appeared in numerous publications including Iron Horse Literary Review, Kenyon Review, Tupelo Quarterly, Harvard Divinity Bulletin, The Threepenny Review, and Ecotone. This poem first appeared in the Southern Poetry Review.

I am Living In My Pancreas

Charles Carr lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  He is retired after 45 years working in Community based Social Services.  He has published three books of poems: paradise, pennsylvania ( Cradle Press, St Louis, 2008), Haitian Mudpies and Other Poems (Moonstone Press, Philadelphia, 2012), and forthcoming in December, Eat This Poem (Noonstone Prees, 2023). He is the host of a live monthly
broadcast “Philly Loves Poetry” that features poets from the region.


Beth Suter studied Environmental Science at U.C. Davis and has worked as a naturalist and teacher. A Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee, her poems have appeared in Colorado Review, New American Writing, Barrow Street, DMQ Review, Birmingham Poetry Review, and others. Her 2022 debut chapbook Snake and Eggs was a finalist in Finishing Line Press’s New Women’s Voices Contest. This poem first appeared in Driftwood Press. You can find her at

I Wasn’t There

Subhaga Crystal Bacon (she/they) is a Queer poet living in rural Washington on unceded Methow land. She is the author of four collections of poetry including Surrender of Water in Hidden Places, Red Flag Poetry, 2022, and the Isabella Gardner Award winning Transitory, forthcoming in the fall from BOA Editions. This poem first appeared in the Bellevue Literary Review.