Medmic: Poetry


Jessica Goodfellow’s poetry books are Whiteout (University of Alaska Press, 2017), Mendeleev’s Mandala, and The Insomniac’s Weather Report. A former writer-in-residence at Denali National Park and Preserve, she’s had poems in The Southern Review, Ploughshares,
Scientific American, Verse Daily, Motionpoems, and Best American
Poetry. Jessica lives and works in Japan.


Poetry Interview featuring Poet Cate Lycurgus

Cate Lycurgus’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Best American Poetry, American Poetry Review, Ploughshares, Kenyon Review, and elsewhere. She has also received scholarships from Bread Loaf and Sewanee Writers’ Conferences and 2nd place in Narrative’s Annual Poetry Contest for 2022. Cate lives in San Jose, California, where she interviews for 32 Poems and teaches professional writing.

Ms. Newkirk has worked as a cook, bread baker, stained glass artist, and art gallery owner. Her poems have appeared in Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine, The Night Heron Barks, The Shore, and are forthcoming in Empty House Press and Naugatuck River Review. Her creative nonfiction was a 2019 Pushcart Prize nominee. She is an occupational therapist in Jackson, Mississippi.


Jennifer Blackledge is a Detroit-area poet who works in the automotive industry. She has a B.A. from Michigan State University and an M.F.A. from Brown University. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in JAMA, I-70 Review, Red Cedar Review, and the Impercipient.

Avoiding Rapid Position Changes

Kelly R. Samuels is the author of the full-length collection All the Time in the World (Kelsay Books) and three chapbooks: To Marie Antoinette, from, Words Some of Us Rarely Use and Zeena/Zenobia Speaks. She is a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee with work appearing in The Massachusetts Review, Court Green and RHINO. She lives in the Upper Midwest.

Poetry Interview with Stefanie Lee

Stefanie Lee is an ambitious 18-year-old computer science student from Montréal, Canada. Living with a rare neuromuscular disease called Nemaline Myopathy, she is passionate about literature and finds comfort in writing poetry. Overcoming challenges such as multiple surgeries, chronic fatigue, and countless hospital visits, she hopes to share her unique worldview as a young disabled woman who continually seeks the beauty in every difficult situation.

The fact/s of being broken

Jessica Harkins, a native of rural Oregon, currently teaches creative writing and medieval literature at a small liberal arts college in central Minnesota, where she lives with her husband and two sons. Her first book of poems, The Paled Guest, was published by Kelsay Books, and her poems and translations have appeared in journals such as Copper Nickel, Interim, Versodove, Cimarron Review, and Exchanges Literary Journal.

Twin Telepathy

Written by Antonio Igbokidi

Heis a MS4 at TCU & UNTHSC School of Medicine|Class of 2024.

He is National Chairperson for @SNMA

He is an Aspiring Psychiatrist and a Poet

Nigeria Nostalgia

Written by Antonio Igbokidi

Heis a MS4 at TCU & UNTHSC School of Medicine|Class of 2024.

He is National Chairperson for @SNMA

He is an Aspiring Psychiatrist and a Poet