Dr. Mom

Sylvia Pollard is from Houston, Texas. This poem was inspired by her 2 year old daughter, Paige, who has been diagnosed with a rare genetic condition. She writes to help “process the difficult yet beautiful life as her mother, and hope to help others heal as well.”

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Dr. Mom

How to explain,

The instinct that washes over me.

The doctors, they come.

The nurses – they sometimes care.

But I’m the one,

Who’s Dr Mom.

I know more, I see more.

I see when she holds her breath –

I see when her eyes become tired.

The seizures? They’re sub-clinical.

But sometimes, I see those too.

Her eyes, I watch them. Her little hands, I watch their every move.

You say I have no training – you’ve been in school for years.

But I held her inside me,

 for ten long months –

I felt her every move.

There’s something about a mother with a baby –

She’s the smartest expert there is.

Trust yourself – you know your baby best.

Don’t be ashamed,

To be Dr. Mom

Sylvia Pollard is from Houston, Texas. This poem was inspired by her 2 year old daughter, Paige, who has been diagnosed with a rare genetic condition. She writes to help “process the difficult yet beautiful life as her mother, and hope to help others heal as well.”

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