Jane Newkirk interviews poet Kelly R. Samuels
Jane talks to Kelly about her newest collection Oblivescence, from Red Sweater Press. In this interview, Kelly reads her poem “Errand Paralysis, Seventy-Seven-Year-Old Female w Bitemporal Atrophy.”
Her book launch is Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 7 p.m. CST.
You may find more information about the book launch and Red Sweater Press here.
Kelly reads her title poem “Oblivescence,” in a promo video from Red Sweater Press.
You may pre-order her book here.
Kelly R. Samuels is the author of the full-length collection All the Time in the World (Kelsay Books) and two chapbooks: Words Some of Us Rarely Use and Zeena/Zenobia Speaks. She is a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee with work appearing in The Massachusetts Review, Court Green and RHINO. She lives in the Upper Midwest.
Jane Newkirk is the poetry editor at Medmic. Her poems have appeared in Empty House Press, The Shore, Naugatuck River Review, The Night Heron Barks, Intima, and others. In 2019, her creative nonfiction was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She is an occupational therapist in Jackson, Mississippi.