
This poem was written by Muhammad Ali Abid

He is a 4th year MBBS student at King Edward Medical University, Pakistan. He describes himself as “a writer at heart and medic by profession, I strive to find a perfect balance between scalpel and pen that will help me heal others and myself, as well.”

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Forgetting, recalling do come in waves,
The moon’s reflection, the sea water saves.
I stand at the seaside scanning this reflection,
Too weak today, to gaze at its perfection.
The waves ebb and flow, over the moon,
Are they trying to erase its memory so soon?
Or are they trying to add to its beauty galore?
The water of nostalgia, at my memories’ shore.
These waters are filled with memories I made,
The tears I’ve cried, the laughter I’ve saved,
The people I met and their pieces I took:
The dishes they loved, their favorite books.
These memories collide and here they condense,
They’re bubbling and seething, with weak defense.
They pour out at times, encompass me whole,
Nostalgia then comes and takes its due toll.
I ponder and ponder, at the seashore I stand,
Troubled by thoughts with a stone in my hand,
Deciding how far, this time, I should throw,
What things to hold on to and what to let go?

This poem was written by Muhammad Ali Abid

He is a 4th year MBBS student at King Edward Medical University, Pakistan. He describes himself as “a writer at heart and medic by profession, I strive to find a perfect balance between scalpel and pen that will help me heal others and myself, as well.”

he can be reached through Twitter @The_Poet_Doctor

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January 17, 2023 8:58 am

I love that the rhythm of the poem mirrors the rise and fall of waves. The moon on the water, the stone in hand, the dishes and books–these simple details are so evocative. Lovely work!

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