To a Body Donor

Adam Lalley is a physician in New York City. He is a winner of the Michael E. DeBakey Poetry Award and the William Carlos Williams Poetry Competition. His writing has appeared in ACEP Now, The Healing Muse, STAT, and the Journal of Medical Humanities.

This poem was originally published in the Fall 2020 issue of Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine (

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To a Body Donor

There is still a silence, just for a moment,

when we approach you. The skin on your shins

has become thin, like Bible paper,

and young women you have never met

handled you gently like a borrowed thing

to give you back to yourself

when they were done. Through curtains

of bone and muscle, in our hands

your heart saw light as though it had just been born,

new to our sight, and yet we do not know

if you wore glasses or had a sweet tooth.

With every cut, you depart from us,

and what we learn of you cannot hold

your interest, cannot compare to the astonishment

you see behind the blinded blue of your eyes.

Adam Lalley is a physician in New York City. He is a winner of the Michael E. DeBakey Poetry Award and the William Carlos Williams Poetry Competition. His writing has appeared in ACEP Now, The Healing Muse, STAT, and the Journal of Medical Humanities.

This poem was originally published in the Fall 2020 issue of Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine (

Adam Lalley MD


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January 19, 2023 6:13 pm

Such a moving tribute to those individuals who have offered their bodies for medical research and education. The sensitivity and respect shown in the poem speaks to the writer’s character and skill.

Eric Dessner
October 20, 2022 4:34 am

Dear Dr. Lalley. Thank you for the lovely submission. I love how the poem pays homage to people who donate their bodies to science. And I also love how it captures the “sense of awe” that medical students often feel when handling a cadaver. The first stanza ends with the notion of skin as “Bible paper”….I love this: the comparison awakens our senses that something “spiritual” is happening. The second stanza is just genius. “Handled… Read more »

Adam Lalley
October 20, 2022 6:09 pm
Reply to  Eric Dessner

Thank you so much for your thoughts. I wrote this poem in my first year of medical school at the Zucker School of Medicine. Divided into pre-assigned groups of 4 or 5 students, we were entrusted with the care and study of the same body donor over the course of our entire first year, when we would revisit our donor periodically in the same groups to explore different anatomical systems. At the end of the… Read more »

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