Dave Malone holds degrees from Ottawa University and Indiana State University. He is a poet and screenwriter who lives in the Missouri Ozarks, and his most recent poetry book is Bypass (Aldrich Press, 2023).
What the Moment Can Bring
Driving to the oncologist, I float above
the traffic light and hover
like a starling, aware of all four directions.
There is a holy trinity here
of sun, road, and horizon.
I chirp to them all.
In song I don’t realize there is no me singing
because there is no longer one here to realize it.
The semis blaze past, the gas guzzlers guzzle,
the smart cars act smart in the slow right lane,
and the lights change colors like Mars and Venus
fading, flickering out in the dawn.
I feel very lightweight up above the swaying traffic wires,
as if I have no substance or feathers or syrinx,
and I’m not moving at all in the clear blue sky.
Dave Malone holds degrees from Ottawa University and Indiana State University. He is a poet and screenwriter who lives in the Missouri Ozarks, and his most recent poetry book is Bypass (Aldrich Press, 2023).