Medmic: Poetry


By Sydney Lea

Mr. Lea is a former Pulitzer finalist and Vermont’s Poet Laureate from 2011 to 2015.

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Bill Griffin MD is a family physician (retired) in rural North Carolina.

His poems have appeared in JAMA, NC Literary Review, Southern Poetry Review and elsewhere.


by Nancy Naomi Carlson.

Ms. Carlson is a clinical mental health counselor educator and twice an NEA translation grantee.

She also won the 2022 Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize.

An Infusion of Violets (Seagull, 2019), her recent collection of non-translated poetry, was called “new & noteworthy” by The New York Times.


by Wynne Morrison, M.D., MBE

Dr Morrison is the director of the Justin Michael Ingerman Center for Palliative Care.
She is also the Associate Chief for Faculty Affairs in the Division of Critical Care at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Originally Published in Hospital Drive


by Anastasia Vassos

Ms. Vassos is the author of “Nike Adjusting Her Sandal ”
Her chapbook “Nostos” will be published by Kelsay.

Artist Twitter: @a_vassos

Artist Instagram: @anastasiavassos


by Wynne Morrison, M.D., MBE

Dr Morrison is the director of the Justin Michael Ingerman Center for Palliative Care.
She is also the Associate Chief for Faculty Affairs in the Division of Critical Care at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Originally Published in Journal of Palliative Medicine


by Jane Newkirk

Ms. Newkirk has worked as a cook, bread baker, visual artist, and art gallery owner.
Her poems have appeared in The Night Heron Barks, JAMA, and Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine.
She currently works as an occupational therapist in a long-term acute care hospital in Jackson, Mississippi.

Artist Instagram:


Ms. Hempel is the author of the poetry collections Second Rain (Able Muse Press, 2016) and Building Chevys (Pine Row Press, 2022)

A Note on Rest

by Maggie Morton

Ms. Morton is a poet, writer, and artist living in Central Illinois

Artist website: